The Importance of Having Clearly Articulated Goals 

We all hear “Goal Setting” is a key component to success in most kinds of businesses, and it’s true. It’s true then, and it’s ever truer now. In fact, the lack of it is one of the most common roadblocks in any business be it big or small. The simple act of listing down your goals (yes, an actual list on a paper) can substantially increase your chances of success in everything you do, including your business. You’ll be surprised to know that a lot of entrepreneurs are not able to articulate their goals, plan and define actions steps required to achieve specific goals, more so measure or track their progress.

So how do we actually stay on course? Listing down and articulating goals is one thing, but it’s a different thing how to start one to begin with. This is a huge challenge for myself as well throughout the years, and here are a few pointers I have learned.

Identify goals based on your lifestyle

Compare needs and wants. The must-have’s and the nice-to-have’s. What is it that we really want? Is it more time to spend with family? More money? Financial freedom?

Visualize them

This is very important. Once we have identified our goals, expand it into a vision. You may be a start-up entrepreneur fresh with new ideas, so now is the time to think about what you want to achieve in both your short and long term plans. Always remember though, that our objectives must and can support our lifestyle ambitions.

Set a Plan

How do we achieve our overall vision now that we have visualized them? There are tons of techniques. But moreover, we have to develop a plan that is measurable, specific, actionable, time-based, and realistic. Else it will be challenging just to get something off the ground, regardless of how brilliant our goals and ideas may seem.

Queue: Prioritize

Not all our goals can be achieved all at the same time, it’s a fact. So decide aspects or elements in our list of goals that can be done realistically, logistically, practically, and immediately. See what must be included, amended, or removed, but always remain flexible as we would need to revisit them from time to time to keep up with change. And things always change.

Goals, in itself, have a tendency to be intimidating. So much so that it feels overbearing just to even begin or start the process of it.

Articulated goals are important in our day to day life as much as it is in any line of business. So rather than be exhausted just by starting, try to come up with a list – with deadlines. Now, this may sound even more intimidating, but deadlines don’t necessarily mean “tomorrow”. Of course this is very important as much as our deadlines at work or projects, but it can be more flexible. Things can be added, removed, revised, and ticked off as we go on in our life. In doing so, here are a few things I have learned, and continue to learn, about how all goals must have.

Goals MUST:

Mean something to you. It must answer the question when you ask yourself, “What’s really important to me?”, and what are you actually prepared to give up to achieve your goals? Whatever your answers are, it will be the reasons for you to begin the task. If your goals mean something to you that much, it will be your drive and motivation to get up everyday and push yourself. Most importantly, your goals must be completely yours, especially the most important ones. Not anyone else’s. Remember that these things will determine your own future and you cannot let other people dictate it for you.

Be flexible. Why? Making a flexible plan will let you avoid feeling choked or confined. Flexibility allows you room for unexpected opportunities you may encounter along the way and take advantage of it. More than that, your goals should be measurable and specific. Broad and generic plans won’t simply work, be always specific on what you want.

Be realistic. Allow yourself ample time to get to your objectives. Be ambitious but avoid being delusional. Keep yourself aware of your limitations and avoid overreaching. If need be, take time to improve and make room for self enhancements. Always remember to keep your goals balanced. In fact, it helps if you include spending time with loved ones, peers, and friends, as part of your plans. Include areas in your goals that will allow you to breathe and relax.

Be exciting and challenging. It’s inevitable that you would have to force yourself out of your comfort zone once in a while. This helps you learn and recharge the much needed energy to keep your edge. Your plans and goals should always be aligned with your values. Listen to those little voices in your head – your gut feel. Most of the time they are correct, so if you feel that what you are doing is against your values, pay attention to it and re-assess your thoughts.

Make a contribution. Sadly, giving back or contributing for the good of society are mostly ignored when people set their goals. People tend to be so preoccupied with daily routines and become self-centered. Build contribution into your goals. This will pay you back 10 folds.

Lastly, the importance of having clearly articulated goals lies with support. It’s impossible to achieve things if they are not supported. Share your ambitions, your visions, with selected peers whom you trust. By doing this, you create a network of support and build a sense of accountability for yourself. Begin each goal with “I am”, and supplement it with “I will”, and open yourself to countless possibilities.

A version of this article appears on my LinkedIn account.

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